Hello Ben!
Thank you for your message! We actually just introduced the ADSG microsite to
@Carlos Cesnik last week, and are making plans for next steps now. We will be sharing more information about the group microsite, and the nested TC communities, with all committee chairs and community admins. We will also have some quick-start references available. The AIAA AVIATION Forum is going to pretty much dominate next week for us, but please stay tuned - we are hoping to connect with everyone involved in the ADSG committees no later than June 26. Please be on the lookout for more information coming from either myself or
@Angie Lander soon.
Thank you, Ben! We're looking forward to getting these communities up and running!
Luci Blodgett
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Reston VA
Original Message:
Sent: 08 Jun, 2020 17:34
From: Ben Urioste
Subject: The Spacecraft Structures Public Forum is ready for use!
Hi Luci,
Thanks for setting this up. My name is Ben Urioste. I agreed to help get the SCSTC Engage website setup and working to best serve its members. I'm intersted in learning more about how we can use engage to help our TC. Would you be open to having a call to discuss ideas?
Ben Urioste
ABQ Section Chair
Original Message:
Sent: 21 May, 2020 14:20
From: Luci Blodgett
Subject: The Spacecraft Structures Public Forum is ready for use!
The public-facing discussion forum for the Spaceraft Structures Technical Committee is now ready for use. All AIAA members and other AIAA users are welcome to participate.
"The Spacecraft Structures Technical Committee (SCSTC) is focused on the unique challenges associated with structural systems that operate in space-based environments. This committee is particularly interested in the challenges of design, analysis, fabrication and testing of those lightweight structural systems that can be ground tested only in a simulated zero gravity condition, and are subjected to launch loads, deployment loads, and the space environment."
Luci Blodgett
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Reston VA