Plasmadynamics and Lasers: Public Forum

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Call for papers for Aviation 2021 and Update to your area of expertise in ScholarOne.

  • 1.  Call for papers for Aviation 2021 and Update to your area of expertise in ScholarOne.

    Posted 09 Nov, 2020 10:04
    Dear Plasmadynamics and Lasers Technical Committee members,

    As you may be awarded from our previous meetings, I am working on the AVIATION 2021 Technical Program Committee. The deadline for submitting papers to AVIATION 2021 is approaching (Deadline: Tomorrow 11/10/2020). If you need an extension, you should email me at ( to receive one. Make sure to submit a draft of your extended abstract before asking for an extension. The maximum extension is up to (Deadline: 11/17/2020).

    I also need help reviewing the abstract. To do so, I need all committee members willing and able to review papers to update your area of expertise in ScholarOne. If for some personal reason you cannot review any papers this year, erase your areas of expertise in ScholarOne. These are the instructions to add or remove areas of expertise:

    The deadline to make changes to your area of expertise is (Deadline: 11/17/2020).

    Thanks ahead of time for all your help.

    Ariel Blanco, Ph.D.
    Plasmadynamics and Lasers Technical Committee Member

    Ariel Blanco
    Air Force Research Laboratory
    Beavercreek OH