(2024 November 9) Safe Active Fault Estimation for Spacecraft

When:  Nov 9, 2024 from 11:00 to 12:40 (PT)
Associated with  Los Angeles Section

(2024 November 9) Safe Active Fault Estimation for Spacecraft
RSVP and Information: (https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/6xq5wjg/lp/16360f58-9dbc-4f53-ac6e-6ea3ec6873c5)

AIAA LA 11/9 Section (Town Hall) Meeting

(A hybrid event: In-person and online attendance)

Saturday, November 9, 2024, 11 AM PST (GMT -0800)

RSVP and Event Information

(In-person attendance might have better interactive experiences.)

Safe Active Fault Estimation for Spacecraft


James Ragan

Ph.D. Candidate

Space Engineering at Caltech

advised by Prof. Soon-Jo Chung

(The speaker will present in-person.)

Safe Active Fault Estimation for Spacecraft

 In time-critical operations, rapid and autonomous fault estimation may be necessary to ensure mission safety. Active diagnosis using sequences of planned test actions can resolve ambiguity and provide fast identification of underlying faults. However, naïve test actions could endanger the system. To resolve this, we propose an online tree-based planning algorithm which simultaneously selects actions that gather information about active failures and ensures collision avoidance by satisfying probabilistic chance constraints. We demonstrate the real-time performance of our algorithm on a robotic spacecraft simulator, and show with enough planning, we can reliably maintain safety and diagnose faults.

Tentative Agenda: (All Time PST (GMT -0800)) (US and Canada)

10:30 AM: Check-in, Networking

11:00 AM: Welcome/Introduction, Briefing by Exhibitor

11:10 AM: Presentation and Q&A

12:40 PM: Additional Q&A (if needed) / adjourn / Networking.

James Ragan

Ph.D. Candidate

Space Engineering at Caltech

advised by Prof. Soon-Jo Chung

(The speaker will present in-person.)

James Ragan is a Ph.D. Candidate in the space engineering at Caltech, advised by Prof. Soon-Jo Chung, applying planning to spacecraft in domains where fast autonomous responses are necessary, such as fault estimation in deep-space proximity operations and detecting cyberattacks in formation flying. He has received bachelor’s degrees in aerospace engineering as well as astronomy and physics from the University of Washington.

Disclaimer: The views of the speakers do not represent the views of AIAA or the AIAA Los Angeles Section.

November 9, 2024

11:00 am PST(GMT -0800)

Hawthorne Library (Meeting Room)

12700 Grevillea Ave,

Hawthorne, CA 90250

(This event is not sponsored by the Hawthorne Library)

(Near SpaceX Hawthorne and Aerospace Corporation, Space Force Space Command, Millennium Space Systems, Northrop Grumman, Boeing El Segundo, etc.)


[AIAA Los Angeles Section], [contact@aiaa-lalv.org], [https://www.aiaa-lalv.org]


Hawthorne Library (Meeting Room)
12700 Grevillea Ave
Hawthorne, CA 90250
Dial-in Instructions:
Please RSVP https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/6xq5wjg/lp/16360f58-9dbc-4f53-ac6e-6ea3ec6873c5 and you will receive the information. Check Spam/Junk if not in Inbox after successful registration. Thank you.
Online Instructions:
Url: https://aiaa.zoom.us
Login: Please RSVP https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/6xq5wjg/lp/16360f58-9dbc-4f53-ac6e-6ea3ec6873c5 and you will receive the information. Check Spam/Junk if not in Inbox after successful registration. Thank you.
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