National Capital

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  • 1.  October Update from AIAA NCS

    Posted 08 Oct, 2023 16:41

    Greetings NCSers!

    Your National Capital Section is focused on action this fall! As such, we want to alert you to some upcoming activities and opportunities.

    NCS Vice Chair for Programs Andrew Tidwell is working on a speaker series to be held across our large DMV region. We are starting an event partnering with our George Washington University student section and hope to have a date and speaker announcement to share soon. We'll then try to arrange speakers at University of Maryland, University of Virginia, and George Mason University in the coming months for students but also all members to hear from leaders in industry, academia, and government. If you have an interest in speaking at an upcoming event, please reach out to Andrew.

    Speaking of student branches, Vice Chair for Operations Steve Brunetto is working with student leaders at the universities mentioned above and hopes that some of you may consider serving as technical advisors or student paper judges as needed this year. Please reach out to Steve to get involved with student branches. The first major opportunity for your involvement is coming up with the Nov 17-18 AIAA Young Professionals, Students, and Educators conference, read more below!

    This Winter we'll again be on the lookout for volunteers to serve as team members of our regional Science & Engineering Fairs. Please contact Coordinator Susan Bardenhagen for more information.

    Your Section Needs Help: Your officers need additional help working in Communications, Social Media, K12-STEM, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, Technical Committees, and regional leadership. Please email us to learn more.

    Major Opportunity: YPSE Conference at APL

    AIAA National Capital Section has partnered with host section Mid-Atlantic to hold the 2023 AIAA Young Professionals, Students, and Educators Conference Nov 17-18 at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab (APL). 

    There are several opportunities available:

    • If you're over 35, we invite you to be a volunteer as a judge or session chair. If you'd like to volunteer please click here to contact the conference organizers.
    • If you're an educator, a young professional 35 and under, a graduate student, an undergraduate or a high school student, we invite you to present a 15-minute talk (no paper) at the conference! Topics should be technical in nature or be submitted under the DEI track where presenters can share their stories. Abstracts are due October 20. This is an excellent opportunity to get visibility, add a conference presentation to your resume, and network with great aerospace folks from around the area.
    • If you'd like to simply attend the conference, we recommend that too! It's a great chance to learn about advances in the industry but also in education, and it's a great place for technical networking. Registration is tiered to make it affordable for students, and AIAA members get a discount! In addition, early bird registration is open through Oct 13.

    Sign up and learn more here

    This is the first year that NCS is involved with the YPSE conference, and we hope that you'll represent us by being a judge, session chair, presenter, or even a sponsor. If you have any questions, please reach out to Steve, and we hope to see a lot of you in November!

    Community Opportunities

    Hello AIAA community, we need your help! We are TJ Space, a CubeSat team from Thomas Jefferson High School for science and technology in Alexandria, Virginia. We're motivated and determined students with a passion for aerospace engineering. We recently launched TJ REVERB, a CubeSat that evaluates the connectivity of the Iridium Radio in Low Earth Orbit. We're currently in between projects and searching for ideas and support for our next CubeSat mission (2-3U mission). If you're interested in contributing ideas, supporting us, or working with us, please email us at or DM us on LinkedIn @TJSpace!

    Congratulations Are In Order!

    Michael Barton
    NCS Secretary
    a.i. solutions

  • 2.  RE: October Update from AIAA NCS

    Posted 09 Oct, 2023 17:16

    This is great, I have a few ideas about getting some local AIAA fellows to talk in the region. Would love to chat when you have some time.

    Christopher Gee
    Aurora Flight Sciences, A Boeing Company