Northwest Florida

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  • 1.  Section Officer Elections

    Posted 14 Apr, 2021 22:14

    Section Members,

    It's time to hold section elections under the new section bylaws that standardize procedures across AIAA.  There are four required officer positions that are elected by the local membership:  Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.  The section has created additional officer positions to target specific outreach to the section and community:  Program, Technical, Membership, Career Enhancement, Young Professional, Education (Pre College), Education (College), Honors and Awards, Public Policy, and Communication.  Descriptions of each position can be found at the bottom of this email.

    The section Nominating Committee has nominated the current officers for reelection.  These officers are:

    Chair - Ryan Sherrill

    Vice Chair - Angela Diggs

    Secretary - Micah Reese

    Treasurer - Kevin Diggs

    Program - Eugen Toma

    Technical - Kevin Brink

    Career Enhancement - Alex Straub

    Young Professional - Alex Straub

    Education (Pre College) - Judith Sherrill

    Education (College) - John Fay

    Public Policy - Michael Kelton

    The following officer positions are vacant:  Membership, Honors and Awards, and Communication.  Additionally, Career Enhancement and Young Professional are headed by the same person and Alex would like to give up one if someone is interested in chairing either position.

    If you are looking to upgrade your membership in the future to Associate Fellow, note that service to AIAA is 30% of the evaluation criteria and there are several low-threat officer positions that can help you increase your ranking.

    If you would like to be considered for a section officer position, please email Micah Reese ( and the NW FL section inbox ( by May 1st. 


    Ryan Sherrill

    Chair, NW FL AIAA Section

    Chair - The Chair shall be the chief executive officer of the Section. The Chair shall preside at all meetings and functions with outside agencies. The Chair shall make an annual report through the annual report process as defined by READ, submitted to the appropriate Regional Director of AIAA and the AIAA Staff Liaison on or before the due date specified in the READ policies and procedures.

    Vice Chair - The Vice Chair shall act in the place of the Chair in any case of the Chair's inability to act. The Vice Chair shall transact, at the direction of the Chair, any business that could be within the power of the Chair to transact.

    Secretary - The Secretary shall maintain the minutes of the meetings of the Section and shall be the custodian of all Section records not specially assigned to others. The Secretary shall keep a full and correct list of the membership and addresses of the members.

    Treasurer - The Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all funds received and disbursed. The Treasurer shall make all required financial reports and such expenditures as may be authorized by the Section Council or by the bylaws of AIAA.

    Program - The Program Officer shall survey your membership to find out the type of activities they would be most interested in, help officers find speakers, and develop the list of upcoming programs and overall schedule. 

    Technical - The Technical Officer is responsible for bringing technical activities to the Section membership.

    Membership - The Membership Officer is responsible for tracking and reporting monthly membership trends, integrating membership development and retention programs into all scheduled Section activities, and reaching out to incoming members and individuals who's membership has lapsed. 

    Career Enhancement - The Career and Professional Development Officer is responsible for planning programs and activities that can assist with career planning and transitioning, public speaking, resume writing, and interviewing, etc.

    Young Professional - The Young Professional Officer is responsible for integrating young professionals (defined as professionally employed members under the age of 35) into the AIAA by developing and implementing programs and activities to attract and involve young professionals.

    Education (Pre-College) - The Education (Pre-College) Officer is responsible for coordination of all STEM activities within the Section, including activities to support students and educators.

    Education (College) - The primary duty of this position is to establish relationships with the student branches within the section's geographical area by distributing Section newsletters and meeting announcements, holding joint meetings with Student Branches, and informing students of the various undergraduate and graduate scholarships that are available for college sophomores, juniors and seniors. 

    Honors and Awards - The Honors and Awards Officer is responsible for promoting and recognizing excellence within the Section. 

    Public Policy - The Public Policy Officer acts as both organizer for local policy activities as well as liaison for region and national policy initiatives such as roundtables with locally elected officials, facilities visits and policy speakers for Section events. 

    Communication - The Communication Officer is responsible for communicating activities to the Section membership through AIAA Engage, Facebook, Twitter, and the Post Office.

    Ryan Sherrill

  • 2.  RE: Section Officer Elections

    Posted 11 May, 2021 21:20
    Section Members,

    The following individuals have agreed to become your section officers for 2021-2022:

    Chair - Ryan Sherrill
    Vice Chair - Angela Diggs
    Secretary - Micah Reese
    Treasurer - Kevin Diggs
    Program - Eugen Toma
    Technical - Kevin Brink
    Career Enhancement - Alex Straub
    Young Professional - Alex Straub
    Education (Pre College) - Judith Sherrill
    Education (College) - John Fay
    Public Policy - Michael Kelton
    Communication - Philip Thomas

    Since this slate of officers is running unopposed we are not planning to have a formal election this year and these individuals will assume their positions starting June 1st.  If anyone objects to not having a formal election please let me know by May 19th.


    Ryan Sherrill
    NW FL Section Chair

    Ryan Sherrill