The AIAA Tucson Section would like to invite section members to nominate themselves or others for leadership council positions for the 2020 - 2021 year. Nominations will now be accepted through May 1, 2020.
Serving as a section officer is a fulfilling and rewarding experience! It is also a great way to network with others in your field and expand your local professional network. The more dedicated people we have working on the local leadership council, the more programming, events and activities we are able to bring to the local membership and community.
The Section Officer positions on the council open for nomination include:
- Section Chair
- Section Vice Chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer
We are also accepting nominations for the following Committee chairs:
- Aerospace and Societies
- Career Enhancement
- Honors and Awards
- Membership
- Precollege Outreach
- Public Policy
- RAC Representative
- Technical Programs
- Webmaster
- Young Professional
The AIAA Tucson Section Elections Committee
Teresa Clement
Raytheon Technologies
Tucson, AZ
(480) 248-7441