University of Minnesota Student Branch Resume Review Workshop

When:  Oct 9, 2024 from 18:15 to 20:15 (CT)
Associated with  Twin Cities Section

The University of Minnesota AIAA Student Branch will be hosting a resume review workshop on the U of M campus on Wednesday October 9th starting at 6:15 PM. The workshop will take place in Akerman Hall Room 327 and will run approximately 2 hours. The students are looking for support from professionals who would be willing to review and provide feedback on student resumes. This is a great opportunity to meet some of the AIAA student members ahead of the annual Aero Fair (career and networking fair) that will be on campus the following day. If you would be interested in supporting this event, or with any additional questions, please RSVP to me (Kristen Gerzina) at by Monday October 7.


University of Minnesota Akerman Hall Room 327
110 Union Street SE
Room 327
Minneapolis, MN 55455


Kristen Gerzina