AIAA SGV Seminar: Deep space optical communications (DSOC) technology demonstration

When:  Feb 13, 2024 from 12:00 to 13:00 (PT)
Associated with  San Gabriel Valley Section

AIAA San Gabriel Valley Seminar:

Deep space optical communications (DSOC) technology demonstration

February 13, 2024 at noon PST

Register online:

Abstract: The DSOC Project developed a system for demonstrating laser communications from Earth-Mars distances. NASA’s Psyche Mission spacecraft launched on Oct. 13, 2023, with the DSOC flight laser transmitter on board. Assisted by the DSOC  ground sub-system, the first laser links beyond the earth-moon system have been demonstrated along with bi-directional data transfer.  The ongoing technology demonstration will continue to test high rate data transfer over planetary distances, in order to enable future NASA missions to support human exploration and higher resolution science.

Speaker Bio: Abhijit (Abi) Biswas is the Group Supervisor of the Optical Communication System group at JPL.  He is serving as the Project Technologist for the DSOC Project managed and operated by JPL, for NASA.  Abi has been active in developing laser communications technology at JPL for more than 25 years, and participated in past NASA technology demonstrations.


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