Extending a big thanks to everyone who attended our section year kick-off event: the LandSat9 Launch and Lunch. Again, I appreciate your flexibility, as the date & time of launches can change based on any number of factors. Furthermore, visibility at Vandenberg can be somewhat hit or miss. Regardless of the fog, we had a great time at the base museum (thanks to TSgt McKinley), and lunch was wonderful at the Pacific Coast Club. A special thanks to our base access coordinator (Lt Clancy) and our guest speakers (Lt Sturling & Col Bassi). We hope to continue these events for future launches. Members will be free to attend, while non-members & guests will need to pay a small fee. This way, we can fund raise for future events like this, and offer our members an incentive / benefit to stay active within AIAA. Thanks again and stay tuned for more Launch and Lunch events!!
Michelle Itzel-Montoya
AIAA: Central Coast of California (C3) Section Chair