To the Dayton/Cincinnati Section:
This year, the 2024 Region III Student Conference will be held on April 5th and 6th at the University of Akron. The regional student conference is a great way for graduate and undergraduate students in Region III (consisting of Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin) to get valuable experience presenting and publishing their research. It also gives students an excellent opportunity to network with leaders in industry and make new friendships with like-minded students from other schools. The conference is still looking for judges to judge papers for the conference. Each judge will be assigned 4 or 5 papers to score. The papers were due from the students on March 15th and AIAA needs a week to vet them for compliance. Then, the judging period will be March 23rd - 30th. You will be given access to the papers that you are assigned to judge through an on-line portal. If you can help out with judging, please send an e-mail ASAP to the Region's Deputy Director for Education, Chris Pestak ( and Cc myself ( on it. Thank you.
Troy C. Hoeger, PhD
Chair, Dayton/Cincinnati Section