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    UT Arlington, TX Saturday, 26 October SEIR Bldg. Room 194 Registration now Open $5 AIAA High School Student Members (w Promo code) $10 AIAA National Student Members & Retirees ...

     26 Oct, 2024  |  09:00 - 16:30 CT
     Arlington TX

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    Upcoming Events

    • UT Arlington, TX Saturday, 26 October SEIR Bldg. Room 194 Registration now Open $5 ...

       26 Oct, 2024  |  09:00 - 16:30 CT
       Arlington TX


    • Lunch-and-Learn: Wind Turbine Testing at Boundary Layer & Subsonic Wind Tunnel (BLAST) UT Dallas

      Wind Turbine Testing at the Boundary Layer and Subsonic Wind Tunnel (BLAST) at UT Dallas

      Friday, 24 May  
      12:00 CDT
      Nir Saar Maor
      UT Dallas Graduate Student 

      Following an introduction of the UTD BLAST and how they utilize the wind tunnel in a variety of ways, Nir will discuss their research into how grove structures, known as riblets, can help reduce friction on an airfoil and, in turn, increase power output of a wind turbine.

      Teams Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MjQzMDc5YzYtNjkzMC00MmJmLWFhYTMtNzNiZTBjM2ViNGIw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%228d281d1d-9c4d-4bf7-b16e-032d15de9f6c%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22bfb3f071-8350-4c5e-8f7b-02f0032f93cb%22%7d

    • Falcon Hypersonic Program

      Bob Wetherall
      Monday, 15 April
      UT Dallas
      Room ECSW 1.365 

    • Concepts of Stealth Technologies

      Concepts of Stealth Technologies
      Dr. Panos Vitsas
      Wednesday, 13 March
      UT Dallas
      Room ECSW 1.315 

    • UT Dallas - Manufacturing System Design, LM Sr. Tech Fellow Don Kinard

      Manufacturing System Design
      Don Kinard
      Sr. Tech Fellow, Lockheed Martin Manufacturing
      UT Dallas
      Friday, 1 March 23 February
      5:30 pm
      Open to All, Room ECSW 1.315 Maker Space

    • B-1 Bone

      B-1 Bone
      Monday, 26 February
      Ken Katz SM
      UT Arlington
      Room TBA
      Flight Test Engineer and noted bomber historian/author Ken Katz SM will discuss the B-1 and bomber development, in general. Purchase your own copy of his book at this link and bring it to the meeting for autographing. Ken’s "friends and family" discount code is BONE-35 which knocks 35% off the cover price!


    • SR-71 Pilot/Author Col. Rich Graham (Ret.)

      SR-71  Sorry, SR-71 Col. Graham had to Cancel, X-59 QueSST Presentation Instead!
      Thursday, 15 February
      UT Dallas

      Open to All, Maker Space Room SPN 2.220

    • F-16XL by Bob Wetherall, UT Dallas, Tomorrow Night, 6pm


      Bob Wetherall, GD/LM (Retired)

      Tuesday, 7 Nov. 2023


      University of Texas at Dallas

      Maker Space Room, 2nd Floor SPN, 6pm

      Free, All invited
      Map in outlook attachment, Free parking in SPN Lot
      FREE LIVE FEED: rtmp://

    • Southwest Aerospace Symposium

      Saturday, 28 Oct. 2023

      University of Texas at Arlington

      SEIR Bldg. Room 194

      $10 Students, $20 Members/Retirees, $30 Non-Members, includes Lunch & Breaks

      Lockheed Martin Employees/Retirees FREE! ($3 admin fee)

      REGISTER HERE > https://members.sfte.org/members/evr/reg_event.php?orgcode=SFTE&evid=40827921

      0830 - Check In

      0900 - Weather used to be the problem, now it solves the problem

      Dr. Mike Skaff, Lockheed Martin 

      0930 - Bell 525 Artificial Icing Flight Test Campaign

      Stefan Hanekom(AF), Bell

      1000 – Break

      1030 - The e-Pilot: Even Great Pilots Need a Cognitive Boost

      Keith Higginbotham, Lockheed Martin

      1100 - YF-16 No. 2 Fort Worth Restoration

      Kevin Renshaw, Lockheed Martin (ret.)

      1130AIAA UT Dallas

      Kevin Debord, UTD AIAA Student Chapter President

      1145 - Luncheon

      1230 - Rex Walheim M

      Luncheon Keynote Speaker

      A veteran of three NASA Space Shuttle flights as well as USAF, Rex Walheim is Axiom’s Chief Safety Officer. As a NASA astronaut, he logged more than 36 hours on five spacewalks and more than 36 days in space during STS-110 in 2002, STS-122 in 2008, and STS-135 – the final flight of the Space Shuttle Program in 2011.  

      1330 - Hypersonic Test Aircraft

      Dr. Bernd Chudoba, UTA

      1400 - Autonomy Demos and the Evolution of Optimally Crewed Vehicles

      Kevin Christensen(AF) & Francis Govers, Bell

      1430 – Break

      1500 - F-35 Weight Reduction Program Summary

      Art Sheridan, Lockheed Martin (ret.)

      1530 - Thoughts on the Future FTE

      Jeff Canclini F, Lockheed Martin (ret.)

      1600 - Closing

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