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The Transformational Flight Integration Committee (TFIC) will promote a community of practice engaged in the technical, business, and societal issues associated with transformational approaches to mobility through on-demand air missions and the research needs of this emergent market. The TFIC serves as the focal point for creation of new, on demand aviation capabilities that will leverage enabling technologies such as electric propulsion, highly coupled aerodynamics, autonomous control, advanced vehicle configuration, and intelligent transportation systems. The TFIC will communicate with technical committees to assure that the AIAA membership engages with their peers, and non-traditional AIAA members, in shaping the future of the on-demand aviation market opportunity.

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Current Members
89 Members
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community Leadership
Conferences Subcommittee Chair
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community Leadership
Membership Subcommittee Chair
community Admin
community Leadership
Publications Subcommittee Chair
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community Leadership
Conferences Subcommittee Chair
community Admin
community Leadership
Conferences Subcommittee Chair
community Admin
community Leadership
Conferences Subcommittee Chair