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Apollo 11/Space TV specials

  • 1.  Apollo 11/Space TV specials

    Posted 10 Jul, 2019 09:29
    ​Here's a list of the Apollo 11/Space TV specials airing during the month of July.

    Apollo 11 anniversary fuels two-week run of space programming remove preview
    Apollo 11 anniversary fuels two-week run of space programming
    CLEVELAND, Ohio - TV is over the moon this month because of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing. Yes, there will be several specials and documentaries commemorating the July 1969 mission that landed two men, Ohio's Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, on the moon, but, reaching for the stars, various channels also will be launching programs about all kinds of space exploration.
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    Christine Pastor-Barsi
    Aerospace Engineer
    NASA Glenn Research Center
    Cleveland OH