The Section Awards honor particularly notable achievements made by member sections in a range of activities that help fulfill the Institute’s mission. The Institute believes that vital, active sections are essential to its success.The following awards were earned by the Northern Ohio Section for the 2017 – 2018 year. These were announced by AIAA in August 2018.
Outstanding Section Award: presented to sections based upon their overall activities and contributions through the year.
2nd Place
(Peggy Cornell – Section Chair)
Communications Award: presented to sections that have developed and implemented an outstanding communications outreach program. Winning criteria include level of complexity, timeliness, and variety of methods of communications, as well as frequency, format, and content of the communication outreach.
1st Place
(Edmond Wong – Communications Chair)
Membership Award: Presented to sections that have increased their membership by planning and implementing effective recruitment and retention campaigns.
3rd Place
(Erin Tesney – Membership Chair)
Public Policy Award: Presented for stimulating public awareness of the needs of aerospace research and development, particularly on the part of government representatives, and for education section members about the value of public policy activities.
1st Place
(Victor Canacci – Public Policy Chair)
STEM K–12 Award: Presented to sections that have developed and implemented an outstanding STEM K–12 outreach program that provides quality education resources for K–12 teachers in the STEM subject areas.
3rd Place
(Julie Kleinhenz – STEM K-12 & Outreach Chair)
Young Professional Activity Award: Presented for excellence in planning and executing events that encourage the participation of the Institute’s young professional members, and provide opportunities for leadership at the section, regional, or national level.
2nd Place
(Roger Tokars, Young Professional Chair)