Hello all,
I would like to share the following NSF-sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates (NSF-REU) opportunity with you. Please see the attached flyer on this undergraduate research opportunity.
We are excited to announce that Kent State University's College of Aeronautics and Engineering will be hosting a NSF-REU site on Robotics and Autonomous Systems (AUTOBOT) this upcoming summer. As the Co-Principal Investigator for this program, my team and I invite all undergraduate students interested to contribute towards making our world a safer, healthier, and more productive place through the use of robotics and autonomous systems to apply to the AUTOBOT REU program. In addition to participating in one of the various AUTOBOT research projects (many of which are related to air transportation systems) for an unique and immersive research experience, undergraduates will also benefit from professional development workshops related to research communication, graduate studies, and career planning.
Please feel free to spread the word to prospective undergraduates across your network.
Syed Arbab Mohd Shihab
Assistant Professor
PI of Green and Advanced Mobility Engineering (GAME) Lab
Kent State University
Kent OH
sshihab@kent.eduP: kent.edu/cae/syed-shihab-phd
Lab: syedshihabgamelab.wordpress.com