Distinguished Speaker Series - Daniel Adamo

When:  May 10, 2022 from 18:00 to 19:30 (ET)
Associated with  Northern Ohio Section


The AIAA Northern Ohio Section
Distinguished Speaker Series Presents
"Potential Propellant Depot Locations for Beyond Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Human Transport "
Daniel Adamo
Astrophysics Consultant
May 10, 2022
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm (Eastern)
Contact aiaanos.vicechair@gmail.com to receive the Zoom link for this event.

Historic examples of transportation depots, including a propellant depot currently operating in LEO, will be presented. Operational and geometric insights governing the utility of LEO depots are then developed for cislunar and interplanetary destinations. These insights lead to the assertion that a depot located near the end destination supports the most efficient human transport operations, particularly if relevant resources are available locally. Depot logistics provided by launch vehicles with contrasting lift capabilities are explored and found to produce different architectural challenges. Less capable launch vehicles tend to face challenges in space-based operations, while more capable launch vehicles tend to face challenges in ground-based operations.

Daniel Adamo is an astrodynamics consultant focused on space mission trajectory design, operations, and architecture. He works with clients primarily at NASA and in academia. Until retirement in 2008, Mr. Adamo was employed by United Space Alliance as a trajectory expert, serving as a “front room” flight controller for 60 Space Shuttle missions. He has degrees in Physical Sciences and Optical Engineering from the University of Houston and the University of Rochester, respectively.

Please refer to the attached flyer for full biography and additional details.

If you have any questions, contact:  aiaanos.vicechair@gmail.com


Online Instructions:
Url: http://engage.aiaa.org/northernohio/home
Login: Contact aiaanos.vicechair@gmail.com to receive the Zoom link for this event.