April 3, 2025 at 6:00pm PT
Guest Speaker: Peter Law
Peter Law, retired Lockheed Skunk Works Thermodynamics Department Manager, will discuss several aspects of the various internal systems within the F-117A vehicle that provide cooling and ventilation to the aircraft’s many functional components.The presentation will include the explanation of the schematics and thefunctions of these internal systems, that control all of the various internal equipment environments.
Meeting ID: 881 5817 6984
Passcode: 169746
Dial In: 877-853-5257
The San Fernando Pacific Section, which represents the San Fernando Valley, Ventura County, and Hawaii, sponsors an annual essay scholarship contest for graduating high school seniors who plan on a career in a STEM field.
For 2025 up to $1000 will be awarded in prizes. The total number and value of the awards will be determined based on the number of entries. To enter, students must submit a 500-to-600-word essay on the topic:
Asteroid mining is an approach to obtain raw materials which may be difficult to obtain on Earth. What would be some challenges in obtaining these minerals from asteroids? Explain your solution(s) to these challenges.
All entries must be received by Saturday, April 26, 2025 at 11:59 pm PDT by email or Google form.
Additional information can be found at the link.
October 17, 2024 at 6:00PM
Peter Law, retired Lockheed Skunk Works Thermodynamics Department Manager, will discuss several aspects of the environments encountered by the Lockheed SR-71 strategic reconnaissance aircraft during its high altitude, high speed Mach 3.2, flight operation.
The presentation will include external and internal temperatures for its aircraft structural elements and for its several internal subsystems. Included will be schematics and design temperature values for the fuel system, the hydraulic system, the environmental control system, the mission equipment cooling distribution system, and the cockpit crew-of-two cooling details. Some flight-test data values will also be provided to substantiate predicted design calculations.Kelly Johnson once said the SR-71 was the most difficult program he ever worked on and yet the most rewarding.
When: Thursday, October 10, 2024, 1-3:30pm
Who: Open to adults and minors. U.S. Citizens, Permanent Residents, Non-U.S. citizens are welcome.
What: Join us for a tour for NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory! Learn about the Lab's history, accomplishments, and current activities. The tour may include visits to: the Von Karman Visitor Center, Space Flight Operations Facility, and Spacecraft Assembly Facility. JPL is a research and development lab federally funded by NASA and managed by Caltech.
Cost: Free
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