About Engage

Welcome to Engage, AIAA's online community!

Engage is an online community and discussion forum where the aerospace community comes together to move the industry forward. 

How it works...

Current AIAA members are automatically added to the Open Forum community for general discussions, and you will also be automatically added to communities for your local Region and Section; you can find these in the My Communities list. AIAA committees also have communities within Engage. If you are officially on the committee roster, you will automatically be added to the committee's community. (Please note, you must maintain your membership status to have access.)

Most AIAA committees have both private and public-facing communities. If there is a specific topic you are interested in, browse the Suggested Communities list to find those that are "joinable". Communities labeled "Public Forum" are open to members and non-members alike.

How to participate...

Once you've identified your communities, join the conversation! From any community homepage, look for the green "Post to this Discussion" button. Ask a question, share news, or just introduce yourself!

To get the most out of your communities, keep in mind:

  • Posts from people with profile pictures get more responses than those without. Update your profile and add a picture here.
  • Encourage replies by asking a question or including a call-to-action. Even announcing an event/opportunity can be the start of a discussion, and the more replies your post receives, the longer your original post will stay on everyone's radar. For example:
    • If you are announcing a volunteer opportunity, and you hope to recruit several volunteers, go beyond asking people to click on a link to apply—invite everyone to share a story about a time a volunteer or mentor influenced their lives.
    • If you come across an interesting headline you think your community would be interested in, share the link, of course—then take the next step and tell everyone what you thought of the article, or what you think it means for the industry, and invite everyone to reply with their own interpretations.
    • If you are announcing an upcoming event with a guest speaker, post the details, and ask if anyone has any questions for the speaker ahead of time.

View the FAQs page or the How-to Library for more information. 

Questions? Contact the AIAA Online Communities Manager directly.