Vision and Goals

AIAA-Adelaide Professionals
a place for Adelaide professionals who are involved in the aerospace sector and who are interested in space technology.
It provides all relevant Updates, articles, resources, and opportunities (from AIAA) for professional members.

As aerospace professionals, we have devoted our lives to understanding what many people believe is unknowable. We pursue the undiscoverable. We work in the uninhabitable. We ponder the indecipherable. Dream the impossible. Chase the unattainable.
Our purpose and our goal is to fuel our members’ imaginations. To support their ambitions. And to inspire the rest of the world to do what has always come naturally to us.
TO Dream

Adelaide Section 
Welcome to the home page of the Adelaide Section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). The AIAA is an international organization with a mission to advance the state of aerospace science, engineering, and technological leadership around the world.

The Adelaide Section supports AIAA’s mission by:
  • Raising awareness and interest in aerospace developments through the presentation of topical talks to the aerospace community
  • Coordinating major events such as visits by international aviation and space experts under the AIAA Distinguished Lecturer Program
  • Cooperating with other local aerospace and engineering organisations to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes
  • Encouraging and facilitating student interest in aerospace careers through outreach and support of primary, high school and university groups

The Adelaide Section was formed in 2002 and is one of only two AIAA Sections outside the United States (together with the Sydney Section established in 1998). The Section works closely with the AIAA Student Branch located within the School of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Adelaide.
Section activities are coordinated by a Council composed of AIAA members from Industry, Government and University. Meetings are typically held every two months. Local AIAA members wishing to join the Council are invited to contact the Chair.
The support of the Adelaide Section by AIAA Headquarters and the School of Mechanical Engineering is gratefully acknowledged.