Plasmadynamics and Lasers: Public Forum

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  • 1.  SciTech meeting - minutes and follow-up on action items

    Posted 15 Jan, 2024 16:01
    Thank you everyone for a lively and productive TC meeting on Wednesday!
    Attached are the minutes from the meeting – it was difficult for me to take notes at points, so please help me fill in any blanks/items I may have missed. I have also attached the slides presented during the meeting.
    Based on our discussions, I noted the follow 4 areas for further discussion and/or action:
    1) Publishing and converting conference papers
    2) Adding student members to the TC
    3) TC reorganization, specifically to re-form subcommittees
    4) Member expectations
    For the first item, let's continue the discussion in the Engage thread and I will compile the input from the members. We can then decide how we might want to bring the topic up with AIAA.
    For the second item, I would like to collect your thoughts, opinions, and ideas. In an attempt to not further clutter our inboxes, I have set up a simple Google doc where you can provide your input:
    You should not need to log into Google to access and edit the document, and you can list your name or provide input anonymously. I will collect your input over the next few months and then we can revisit the discussion.
    For items 3 and 4, I will follow up with many of you individually to hear your thoughts and ideas and we can discuss further as a TC at AVIATION.
    Thank you all again for a great TC meeting and conference! Please contact me anytime if you have any feedback, questions, or concerns.

    Sally Bane, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and
    Mechanical Engineering (by courtesy)
    Purdue University
    Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
    701 West Stadium Avenue
    West Lafayette, IN 47907
    Ph. (765) 494-9364

  • 2.  RE: SciTech meeting - minutes and follow-up on action items

    Posted 16 Jan, 2024 12:31

    Thanks for the minutes Sally.  In an attempt to more fully capture the discussion on publications I suggest a few changes:

    Under item 4 on Steve Beresh visit I suggest you add:

    • There was also discussion on requesting that AIAA change the current format of long papers to a new (or alternate) format of shorter abstracts.  Opinions on this were quite mixed with some individuals (add names?) arguing this would help their students publish in other journals, and also that the current format limits the quality/quantity of submissions since some people prefer to hold back for journals instead.  Other opinions (Yalin, ...) were that the current long paper format is definitely preferred as it is very useful for graduate students to have the experience of writing (and presenting) these papers.  [This discussion also relates to the Angie Lander visit - lower down in the minutes - which in fact was first at the meeting.]

    Under Angie Lander visit, please change the bullet point ("Azer: 100% to ..."):

    • Some TC members commented that AIAA prevents the contents of conference publications from being later submitted to journals.  Yalin disagreed with this stating that, based on his recent emails, AIAA does/would grant needed permissions but the issue is if the journals themselves would accept contents previously presented at a conference.  It was then discussed that AIAA journals are an option in this case, but there was dissatisfaction with their long reviews. 

    Perhaps other folks can further flesh out the above.



    Azer Yalin
    Colorado State University
    Fort Collins CO

  • 3.  RE: SciTech meeting - minutes and follow-up on action items

    Posted 17 Jan, 2024 12:32
    Dear colleagues,
    it seems that the publication policy at the conference was the only thing of any interest out of the almost one hour (!) presentation of the administration representative.

    My opinion:
    1) I agree, for students, the AIAA-paper format is very convenient - refereed publications, preparation experience, presentation experience, and so forth.

    2) for everyone else - the current AIAA policy does not stand up to any criticism.

    a) Publication of results in an AIAA paper is generally regarded as publication of a work-in-progress result. Everyone prefers to refer (at this particular time) to a journal article.

    b) Publication of results as an AIAA paper FULLY BLOCKS further publication of the paper in any journals other than AIAA journals. It's not that AIAA doesn't grant permission, it's that journals (the good ones) don't accept papers published anywhere else (ArXiV being the exception).

    c) AIAA journals (in which subsequent AIAA paper publication is possible) have low rankings (and low citations), and, much worse, very long publication times that often exceed 12 months.

    Thus, we must choose:

    1) if AIAA conferences are for students and publishing not too interesting results, the right option is long papers and then struggling with AIAA journals (if necessary...)

    2) if we consider AIAA conferences as a place to discuss new, "hot" results - we need a short abstract format, leaving the possibility of quick publication of the results in high ranking journals.

    Probably the best solution is to have both formats. Students can practice writing long papers, but it should also be possible to discuss the work simply by publishing a short 1-page abstract.

    Best regards,

    Editor-in-Chief, PLASMA
    Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    Princeton University
    40 Olden St., Engineering Quadrangle, MAE
    Princeton, NJ 08544-5263
    phone: 1-215-422-2703

  • 4.  RE: SciTech meeting - minutes and follow-up on action items

    Posted 18 Jan, 2024 13:31
      |   view attached

    Hello all,

    Attached are updated minutes with some changes to the notes on the discussions with Angie Lander and Steve Berech. Please feel free to send me additional comments that I might have missed.



    Sally Bane, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and
    Mechanical Engineering (by courtesy)
    Purdue University
    Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
    701 West Stadium Avenue
    West Lafayette, IN 47907
    Ph. (765) 494-9364

  • 5.  RE: SciTech meeting - minutes and follow-up on action items

    Posted 25 Feb, 2024 12:05

    Greetings PDL Members!
    I emailed many of you (randomly selected) several weeks ago with regards to providing reviews for our PDL Best Paper Award.
    This is just a friendly reminder to please email me back with your reviews by Friday, March 1.
    Thank you for your assistance with this valuable function for our TC.  Without help from our members, it is very difficult to administer this award.

    Dear PDL Committee Member,


    Greetings – I am emailing you in my role as Chair of the AIAA PDL Best Paper award (spanning Aviation 2023 and SciTech 2024 in this case).

    We have identified a series of nominated papers based on Session Chair reports and now need help in detailed judging.

    I am trying to spread the load by asking a series of judges, including you, selected randomly from our roster of members, to each score 3 papers.

    I ask that you please read the 3 attached papers and then complete the attached Excel (thanks Sally!) with your scoring (please add your name and the 3 papers in indicated areas).


    Running these awards is an important function of our TC and is only possible if we have volunteers judges.  I thank you in advance for your time and ask that you email me back your completed Excel by no later than March 1. Please let me know asap if you will be unable to do this. I have attempted to not have anyone judge papers they have co-authored, but please let me know asap if I have made an error on this, in which case I will shuffle the assignments.


    Thank you and please let me know any questions!,




    Azer Yalin


    Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Director, CSU Center for Laser Sensing and Diagnostics

    Director, CSU NASA Space Grant Program  

    Phone: 970-232-5545


  • 6.  RE: SciTech meeting - minutes and follow-up on action items

    Posted 01 Mar, 2024 08:45

    Greetings PDL Members!
    Good morning.  Sorry to again bother you but I emailed many of you (randomly selected) several weeks ago with regards to providing reviews for our PDL Best Paper Award.
    This is just a friendly reminder to please email me back with your reviews by Friday, March 1 (today...).  No problem if you need a few more days but asap please.  I have heard back from about 1/3 of you (thanks!!) but really need more input.
    Thank you for your assistance with this valuable function for our TC.  Without help from our members, it is very difficult to administer this award.

    Dear PDL Committee Member,


    Greetings – I am emailing you in my role as Chair of the AIAA PDL Best Paper award (spanning Aviation 2023 and SciTech 2024 in this case).

    We have identified a series of nominated papers based on Session Chair reports and now need help in detailed judging.

    I am trying to spread the load by asking a series of judges, including you, selected randomly from our roster of members, to each score 3 papers.

    I ask that you please read the 3 attached papers and then complete the attached Excel (thanks Sally!) with your scoring (please add your name and the 3 papers in indicated areas).


    Running these awards is an important function of our TC and is only possible if we have volunteers judges.  I thank you in advance for your time and ask that you email me back your completed Excel by no later than March 1. Please let me know asap if you will be unable to do this. I have attempted to not have anyone judge papers they have co-authored, but please let me know asap if I have made an error on this, in which case I will shuffle the assignments.


    Thank you and please let me know any questions!,




    Azer Yalin


    Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Director, CSU Center for Laser Sensing and Diagnostics

    Director, CSU NASA Space Grant Program  

    Phone: 970-232-5545