Scope: Physics of noise produced by motion of fluids and bodies moving through the atmosphere and by chemical reaction processes; and the response of human beings, structures, and the atmosphere to aerodynamic noise.This discussion forum is open to the public. You must log in to participate.
last person joined 8 days ago
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Scope: Advanced measurement techniques for aerodynamic research in flight and ground-based facilities. Includes surface and flow field measurements, visualization methods, and related data acquisition techniques for all flow speeds and fluid dynamic environments.This discussion forum is open to the public. You must log in to participate.
last person joined 12 days ago
A closed group for rostered members of the Applied Aerodynamics Technical Committee. One must be an AIAA member in good standing to participate.
last person joined 5 months ago
Scope: Aerodynamics of vehicles emphasizing the development, application, and evaluation of aerodynamic concepts and methods through correlation with theory, wind-tunnel data, and flight-test data.This discussion forum is open to the public. You must log in to participate.
last person joined one month ago
Scope: The determination, prediction, physical adjustment, and optimization of trajectories in space; space navigation and mission analysis; perturbation theories and expansions; spacecraft attitude dynamics and estimation.This discussion forum is open to the public. You must log in to participate.
Scope: The committee encourages and supports the exchange of information and furtherance of knowledge concerning all relationships and interactions between aerospace technological systems and the atmospheric environment.This discussion forum is open to the public. You must log in to participate.
Scope: Aerodynamic performance, trajectories, and attitude dynamics of vehicles moving through planetary atmospheres, including aircraft, spacecraft, boosters, and entry vehicles; aerodynamic forces and moments acting on such vehicles; stability, response to control, flying qualities, and response to atmospheric disturbances of these vehicles.This discussion forum is open to the public. You must log in to participate.
Scope: Behavior of liquids and gases in motion, including momentum and energy transport phenomena and their influence on the behavior of fluids, the forces and moments on objects involved therein, and the interaction with the surface materials of these objects. This discussion forum is open to the public. You must log in to participate.
last person joined 3 days ago
Scope: The test evaluation of vehicles, structures, and aerospace systems, subsystems, and components in ground- based facilities such as wind tunnels, environmental facilities, and engine test facilities. This discussion forum is open to the public. You must log in to participate.
last person joined 6 days ago
Scope: Advance the technology and provide forums for the theoretical and practical consideration of techniques, devices and systems for the navigation, guidance and control of flight vehicles and the control of related aerospace systems. This discussion forum is open to the public. You must log in to participate.
last person joined yesterday
Scope: To explore the application of computer science to pre-processing, post-processing, and infrastructure in support of computational simulation in the Aerospace Community. Specific topics of interest include mesh generation, visualization technologies, user environments, and application integration. This discussion forum is open to the public. You must log in to participate.
Scope: The simulation of atmospheric and space flight conditions in ground-based simulators and special-purpose aircraft for the purpose of aircrew training, or for design, development, and evaluation of aerospace vehicles, systems, and subsystems. This discussion forum is open to the public. You must log in to participate.
Scope: Physical properties and dynamic behavior of fluids in states of ionization and/or population inversion, with emphasis on those features and applications of particular importance to the fields of aeronautics, astronautics, and energy. This discussion forum is open to the public. You must log in to participate.
last person joined 24 days ago
Scope: The study and applications of the properties and mechanisms involved in thermal energy transfer and storage in gases, liquids, and solids, or combinations thereof. These studies include conductive, convective, and radiative models alone or in combination and the effects of the environment. This discussion forum is open to the public. You must log in to participate.
last person joined 4 months ago