Oklahoma Section

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Updated Section Bylaws for Review/Approval: Please Respond by Nov 20

  • 1.  Updated Section Bylaws for Review/Approval: Please Respond by Nov 20

    Posted 10 Nov, 2020 15:34
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    Dear Section Members,

    Recent changes to the AIAA governance structure has led to the need to update all section bylaws to make them compliant with current policies.

    A draft of the new Oklahoma section bylaws is attached for your approval  Please let myself or Oklahoma Section Chair Alfred Striz (striz@sbcglobal.net) know by Friday, 20 November if you have any questions or would like to disapprove these bylaws. You can use the "Reply to Sender" link to send questions or comments.

    Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this important document for the governance of the Oklahoma Section!

    Lindsay Mitchell
    Program Manager, Regions & Sections
    Staff Liaison, Student Branches


    Oklahoma bylawsna 2020.pdf   275 KB 1 version