Illinois Section

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Will you help your Illinois leadership?

  • 1.  Will you help your Illinois leadership?

    Posted 27 Oct, 2022 08:32

    Hello AIAA Illinois Section Members

    Your Illinois Section Chair, Dr. Laura Villafane-Roca, is looking for support from you in a leadership capacity.  As your Regional Director, I request and strongly encourage your leadership participation to help revitalize your section... we need you!

    We're asking for your volunteerism in the following roles:

    • Membership Chair
    • Communications Chair / Section Webmaster (these can be separate or combined roles)
    • University Chair

    I'm including below a document with brief descriptions of the above Council positions... please see yellow highlighted roles in the attachment for what we need you to fill.  If you have any interest at all in helping us out to further re-energize the Illinois Section, PLEASE reply back to me and/or Laura ( and let us know.  She will then reach out and give you more info to help you decide.  If you choose to support us as a new Officer/Chair in the above positions, you will get info/familiarization.  It doesn't matter where in the state you reside nor how many years you've been in AIAA, all you need is an interest.

    Please note that Student Members cannot serve on the Council, but only Student Members can be Student Branch Representatives. 

    We're moving towards more virtual engagement with the Illinois Section (and all Sections), so again, it doesn't matter what part of the state you're geographically from, we'd love to have you as one of our leaders.

    Thank you all for your interest and volunteerism in helping to revitalize the Illinois Section!




    Section Chair

    Provides Section direction for coming year, identifies new opportunities, oversees Council actions to meet goals, represents AIAA in local and national interactions as needed.

    Section Vice Chair

    Supports Chair when Chair cannot attend, manages the Distinguished Lecture program.


    Records and distributes Council minutes, manages official Council correspondence as needed.


    Maintains Council financial records, monitors budget, and creates annual budget report to AIAA national.  Provides monthly summary of budget at Council meetings.  Has signing authority with section credit union and PayPal accounts.

    Past Year Section Chair

    Acts to advise current council.

    Communications Chair

    Edits and creates Section newsletter and email announcements throughout year; currently manages section website and Facebook page.  Often support section events with photography at the events.

    Honor & Awards Chair

    Maintains an awareness of AIAA awards that might be relevant to NOS members and organizes and supports applications or nominations thereof.  Maintains an awareness of section member awards and honors received each year, and arranges articles reporting these awards.  Organizes annual awards event (picnic or banquet) to recognize section honorees.

    Public Policy Chair

    Organizes section public and political interactions, including national AIAA events such as CVD and Aerospace in August, as well as state or local interactions (panels, information to local politicians if requested).

    Technical Chair

    Organizes and promotes technical interchanges (presentations, panels) on local work of interest to section members.

    STEM K-12 Chair

    Organizes activities to develop an awareness of, and interest in, aerospace engineering and science to pre-collegiate students.

    University Chair

    Provides a central professional contact for student branches in the section, and organizes tours, presentations, and meetings of interest to the student branches, using the resources available from the section professional membership.

    Young Professionals Chair

    Provides social and professional networking and training for young (under 35) professionals interested in furthering their careers in the aerospace field.


    Supports Treasurer in managing section finances.

    Student Branch Rep.

    Representatives from student branches interested in maintaining an awareness of section activities and integrating branch activities with section members.

    Membership Chair

    Maintains section membership records, renewal dates, and time in service.  Works with council to develop and promote section activities aimed at increasing membership.

    Section Webmaster

    Supports Communications chair in maintaining an up-to-date, useful web presence to allow member interaction, event promotion, and membership recruitment.




    Peggy A. Cornell
    Deputy Project Manager, UAS Integration in the NAS
    GRC POC, Flight Demonstrations Capabilities (FDC)
    NASA Glenn Research Center