Choose one aspect of the James Webb Space Telescope, describe how it works, and explain why it leads us to new discoveries and to answer important questions about the universe.
- Any seventh or eighth grader (or equivalent)
- Please contact your local section officers (https://www.aiaa.org/get-involved/regions-sections) to confirm they will be accepting entries. For local
sections not participating, you may submit to “atlarge” through Jeff Puschell, jjpuschell@raytheon.com
- Typewritten essay, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, in 1,000 words or less
- Include student name, teacher name, grade, and school name printed at the top of the essay
- Submit essay to your local section, with student and teacher’s: name, phone, e-mail, and mailing address for notification and awards in the body of the email
- Originality of ideas presented (30%)
- Soundness of logic used to develop ideas (30%)
- Realism of ideas presented (20%)
- Quality of composition & clarity of expression (20%)
Final submission deadline to local AIAA section officers is April 30, 2023. Local winners and their teachers will be notified in May 2023. National winners and their teachers will be notified in June 2023.
1st place will be awarded $125,
2nd place will be awarded $75, and
3rd place will be awarded $50.
Winners are publicly announced in the September 2023 issue of Aerospace America magazine.