Greater Huntsville Section

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Council Position Descriptions

  • 1.  Council Position Descriptions

    Posted 23 Apr, 2024 13:26
    Edited by Jason Pullias 23 Apr, 2024 13:26

    Section Officers

    The Chair shall be the chief executive officer of the Section. The Chair shall be a voting member of all committees, except for those noted in these bylaws. The Chair shall preside at all meetings and functions with outside agencies. The Chair shall make an annual report through the annual report process as defined by READ, submitted to the appropriate Regional Director of AIAA and the AIAA Staff Liaison on or before the due date specified in the READ policies and procedures.

    The Vice Chair shall act in the place of the Chair in any case of the Chair's inability to act. The Vice Chair shall transact, at the direction of the Chair, any business that could be within the power of the Chair to transact.

    The Secretary shall maintain the minutes of the meetings of the Section and shall be the custodian of all Section records not specially assigned to others. The Secretary shall keep a full and correct list of the membership and addresses of the members. The Secretary shall submit a copy of the minutes of all meetings of the Section to the Regional Director and the applicable Staff Liaison.

    The Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all funds received and disbursed. The Treasurer shall make all required financial reports and such expenditures as may be authorized by the Section Council or by the bylaws of AIAA as implemented under Article VIII of these bylaws.

    Other Council Positions

    Elected in even years:

    Honors and Awards Director. Responsible for promoting and recognizing excellence within the Section. Activities include Section Annual Awards, Membership Advancement, and AIAA National Awards. This position is a 2 year term elected in even years.
    Marketing director. Responsible for promoting AIAA GHS with the aerospace industry, academia and government agencies in the section's geographic area and nearby. This position is a 2 year term elected in even years.
    Liaison to student branches. Responsible for representing the interests of Student Branches on the Council. The liaison mentors Student Branches and informs/reminds student members of the benefits of being an AIAA member. This position is a 2 year term elected in even years.
    Membership director. Responsible for tracking and reporting monthly membership trends and integrating membership development and retention programs into all scheduled Section activities. This position is a 2 year term elected in even years.
    Special projects director. Envisions and seeks special projects that are of interest to members. This is a 2 year position elected in even years.
    Young Professionals Director. Develop and implement programs and activities to attract and involve young professional members (professional members < 35 years of age). The YP director encourages young professionals to join AIAA and become active Section members. This is a 2 year position elected in even years.
    Elected in odd years
    Vice Chair Mobile Chapter. Serves as chief executive of Mobile chapter and organizes events in the Mobile area. The Vice chair Mobile Chapter must be a resident within the territory of the Mobile Chapter. This position is a 2 year term elected in odd years.
    Education director. Responsible for organizing professional development and continuing education courses by gauging the interests of the membership. This position is a 2 year term elected in odd years.
    Liaison to professional societies. Serve as a point of contact for Huntsville/Madison Chamber of Commerce and other professional societies (HATS, IEEE, ASME, NSBE, etc.). Shares information about events in the local region that may be of interest to other organizations. This position is a 2 year term elected in odd years.
    Pre-college outreach. Responsible for AIAA GHS's participation in all STEM K-12 related activities. Some events/activities under this position currently include: Participation at local STEM events, Essay Contests, NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge, Annual Scholarships, and Great Paper Plane Contest. This is a 2 year term elected in odd years.
    Public policy director. Acts as both the organizer for local policy activities as well as liaison for region and national policy initiatives. This position is a 2 year term elected in odd years.