The AIAA Greater Huntsville Section is seeking nominees for Council Officers and Directors for our upcoming annual elections. Elections will be held this spring and terms will start in June 2023. Open council positions are as follows:
Officer Positions (1 year term):
Open Director Positions (2 year terms):
Vice-Chair - Mobile chapter
Liaison to professional societies
STEM K-12 Director
Public Policy
Position descriptions can be found in this document. You can learn more about events organized by this year's council on our GHS website.
The nominating committee is charged with canvassing the membership to ensure there is at least one candidate for each open position. If you feel that you would be a good candidate for one of the positions listed above, you can express your interest to the nominating committee by e-mailing with the subject line: "Council Nominations" no later than April 7th. Your submission should include your name and a short one paragraph bio. You must be a current professional member of AIAA and of the section. All members interested in a position are welcome and encouraged to submit their information for consideration by the nominating committee. Those nominated by the committee will be requested to write a short "vision statement" stating what they envision doing in the position for which they are running prior to release of the ballot.
Concurrent with the preparation of a slate by the Nominating Committee, nominations may also be submitted by the general section membership to the secretary. In your submission, state the name of the nominee and the position for which they are being nominated. Any member of the section can nominate any professional member for an officer position. Self-nominations are not permitted. Please be sure the person being nominated will stand for election. Any nomination received from the general membership that meets these requirements will appear on the ballot. Please e-mail nominations to, also by April 7th.
New Officers and Directors will be installed at the Section's Awards Banquet on May 20th, 2023. Council positions are great leadership development opportunities. Those elected will be responsible for planning and executing actions and activities sponsored by the Section. It is also a great chance for those elected officers and directors to meet and interact with aerospace professionals and students throughout the section -which includes all of Alabama and part of Mississippi - and into the regional and national levels of AIAA.