Honors and Awards

The Hampton Roads Section recognizes outstanding contributions in the professional and scholastic communities through several awards. The various awards are listed below followed by a complete listing of past winners. The past winners listing includes both Section and National level awards.

Professional Awards:

  • HRS Engineer of the Year: Honors Hampton Roads Section members for recent significant technical accomplishments
  • HRS Robert A. Mitcheltree Young Engineer of the Year: Honors Hampton Roads Section young professional members for recent significant technical accomplishments
  • Allan H. Taylor Memorial Award: In recognition of many years of sustained and significant volunteer contributions to the AIAA Hampton Roads Section
  • Section Awards: In recognition of significant volunteer contributions to the Hampton Roads Section during the current or past year
  • Lawrence J. Bement Young Professional Paper Competition: In recognition of outstanding on-the-job technical accomplishments via a significant first-author journal publication by a young professional member of the Hampton Roads Section

Student Awards:

  • HRS Middle School Essay Winners: For the best entries in the annual essay contest.
  • Tidewater HRS Science Fair Winners: For outstanding entries in the annual regional science fair.
  • Futures in Aerospace Scholarship: Awarded to outstanding high school seniors who intend to pursue a curriculum in engineering or the physical or applied sciences pertinent to aerospace.

Past winners