It's time for the 12th annual AIAA Hampton Roads Section middle school essay contest. This contest is open to all middle school students in the AIAA Hampton Roads Section area so feel free to share it with any eligible students, teachers, or schools that might be interested. The application is attached and entries are due March 29th. Prizes will be awarded for the top three entries ($200, $150 and $100 for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place essays respectively) and in the event that there is an AIAA HRS awards banquet, the winners and their parents will be invited. The top essay by a 7th grader and the top essay by an 8th grader will be sent to the Space Systems Technical Committee for further judging.
The topic for this year is: How have space observation systems (satellites, telescopes, etc.) helped to improve an industry of your choice (weather, entertainment, technology, etc.)? Has it changed how we do things and how has it made it better?
Essays should be 500-1000 words in length.
Feel free to forward this to any interested students, teachers or schools in the AIAA Hampton Roads Section area. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Berger ( We will also be looking for judges to evaluate the entries in early April, so a call for volunteer judges will go out in late March.
Karen Berger