Scope: Development, application, and operation of communications systems for point-to-point, mobile, aeronautical, maritime, and space users.This discussion forum is open to the public. You must log in to participate.
last person joined 2 years ago
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Scope: Theoretical and practical considerations involving the applications of computers and information processing techniques to aerospace programs.This discussion forum is open to the public. You must log in to participate.
last person joined 2 days ago
Scope: Development, application, and operation of digital avionics systems and technology for military and commercial aerospace systems.This discussion forum is open to the public. You must log in to participate.
last person joined 12 days ago
This is the public forum for the Human-Machine Teaming TC. You must Sign In to join and participate.
last person joined 8 days ago
Scope: To promote the integrated application of data acquisition, data assessment, and data dissemination functions required for timely and efficient command and control of aerospace, land, and sea assets. This discussion forum is open to the public. You must log in to participate.
last person joined 6 months ago
Scope: Technical Committee will address the application of Intelligent System (IS) technologies and methods to aerospace systems, the verification and validation of these systems, and the education of the AIAA membership in the use of IS technologies in aerospace and other technical disciplines. The systems of interest include both military and commercial aerospace systems, and those ground systems that are part of test, development, or operations of aerospace systems. Technologies which enable safe and reliable operation of complex aerospace systems or sub-systems with minimal or no human intervention (autonomy), or collaborative synthetic-human agent teams are of interest. These include but are not limited to: autonomous and expert systems, discrete planning/scheduling algorithms, intelligent data/image processing, learning and adaptive techniques, data fusion and reasoning, and knowledge engineering. This discussion forum is open to the public. You must log in to participate.
Scope: Addresses all aspects of sensor systems and distributed sensor networks for detection, collection, information fusion, storage, retrieval, distribution, and reception of information at the local sensing node and at the distributed sensor network level. Information fusion is interpreted as an embedded system within a sensor network that provides a coherent, comprehensive view of the entities in an environment based on the data obtained from one or more information sources, including sensors, humans, data links, and databases. This discussion forum is open to the public. You must log in to participate.
Scope: To focus attention on software engineering issues for complex and critical systems: from software requirements, design, code, test, evaluation, operation and maintenance. This discussion forum is open to the public. You must log in to participate.