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AIAA Honors&Awards Gala 2024- Registration open!

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  • 1.  AIAA Honors&Awards Gala 2024- Registration open!

    Posted 08 May, 2024 19:15
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    Registration is now open for the AIAA New England Honors&Awards ceremony 2024 at Draper Cambridge on May 24th between 5:30-8pm

    This year we're honored to have Dr. Mark T. Maybury, VP Commercialization at Lockheed Martin as our keynote speaker. Join us as we hear Mark talk about The Generative Artificial Intelligence Future and we recognize our members for their achievements over the year.

    Register here:

    Advances in Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) #ai promise to enhance productivity across nearly all aspects of life including learning, living, creating, manufacturing, selling, servicing and sustaining. Studies suggest that GAI could add several trillion dollars annually to the globally economy (WEF). Exciting possibilities include new art, innovative product creation, novel drug discovery, improved decision making, and personalized services. To ensure full benefits to society, it is essential to mitigate the vulnerabilities of this new technology and ensure safety, privacy and security for all. Sharing publicly available videos and stories, this talk will journey through a 36 year career in AI generative AI aiming to inspire young and experienced career professionals on the promise AI, providing lessons learned along the way. 

    Sign up by May 15th or as long as spaces remain

    Shreyas Hegde
    Pratt & Whitney
    Middletown CT