BWSI 2023-2024 Build a CubeSat Challenge - volunteer roles

Starts:  Sep 17, 2023 09:00 (ET)
Ends:  Dec 31, 2023 17:00 (ET)
Associated with  New England Section

BWSI 2023-2024 Build a CubeSat Challenge - volunteer roles


Challenge Organizers: responsible for organizing and running the Challenge

  • ~5 hours/week from September 2023  to mid-April 2024

  • Recruiting 1 to 2 volunteers each from AIAA, NSBE and SWE for this role


Selection Committee members:

  • November 2023: 5-10 hours/week for 2 weeks in November 2023

  • Recruiting 1 volunteer each from AIAA, NSBE and SWE


Judging Committee members;

  • Selection Committee members can also be on the Judging Committee

  • Week of March 4, 2024: ~10 hours for judging design review presentation submissions and select ~10 teams for in-person final presentations on April 13, 2024

  • Week of April 1, 2024: ~10 hours, review submitted presentation material, submitted videos and select award winners in this category

  • April 13, 2024 (Final Competition): 8 hours

  • 15 volunteers will be recruited for this role


Challenge technical mentors paired with student teams

  • From December 1, 2023 to April 13, 2024 (2-3 hours per week) 

  • Each mentor is assigned to 2 student teams 

  • Meet bi-weekly with assigned student teams

  • Getting ready: October and November,  2023 (less than 5 hours/week)

    • Go through Build a CubeSat online course

  • 25 mentors will be selected for this role


Technical qualifications for Challenge Technical Mentors:

Background in Aerospace Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics or other technical fields, coupled with the demonstrated ability to apply talents to new fields.

  • Demonstrated excellence in communication skills and the ability to convey technical concepts in a concise manner to a wide spectrum of audiences

  • Interest in CubeSat systems and subsystems and educational instruction

Desired Skills:

  • Experience programming in Python

  • Familiarity with Linux operating systems

  • Exposure to image processing fundamentals and OpenCV

  • Familiarity with systems engineering principles

  • Experience working with hardware 


Technical qualifications for Judging Committee members:

Background in Aerospace Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics or other technical fields.

  • Familiarity with Aerospace systems

  • Interest in CubeSat systems and subsystems

  • Familiarity with systems engineering principles


For technical mentors and judging committee members - you agree to:

Commit the time for the role as described above

Attend technical mentor training (for technical mentors)

Complete online BWSI Build a CubeSat course (for technical mentors)

Willing to go through the CORI process through MIT

Complete on-line training on Working with Minors

Agree to Code-of-Conduct policies

Sign the photo-video and liability release form

Interested? Contact



Shreyas Hegde