
  • Phoenix Section Fall 2022 Meetings


    I hope you had great summer. The AIAA Phoenix Council met last week and discussed the upcoming Fall schedule, and I wanted to let you know what we are planning. We will meet on the third Wednesday of the month, at 7 pm. The first meeting will be Wednesday, September 21st. We plan for this meeting to be virtual and are working on nailing down a presenter. We will have that info out to you shortly.

    The second meeting will be Wednesday, October 19th. We are working on securing a plant tour, and we will let you know as soon as that is nailed down. The last meeting for the fall will be Wednesday, November 16th. No program is planned yet, but I will let you know once something is confirmed.=

    I would also like to start up “Office Hours,” which will allow members to converse with the section leadership on what they would like the section to focus on. We will start this with a session at 9 am MST on Saturday, September 10th.  Below is the link for that Zoom Office Hours Session

    Thanks, and I am looking forward to starting up our programs again,

    Scott Fouse

    Chair, AIAA Phoenix Section