Higher Orbits, a proud corporate member of AIAA, is over the moon to be partnering with AIAA for the Apollo Series of Go For Launch! to be held across the country in all 6 AIAA regions. Go For Launch! is a 2-day space inspired STEM event where students in grades 8-12 (from any school or homeschool) have the opportunity to work with an Astronaut for the entire event and compete to have their experiment idea sent to the International Space Station! We will launch one of these experiments to space in 2020! This program is designed to appeal to ALL students – those who are already very interested in STEM and those who might not yet be very engaged.
Go For Launch! will be in your area August 15-16 at Metropolitan State University in Denver and will run from 8am-6pm each day. Students must attend both days of the event. Astronaut Don Thomas will be part of this event as well as other space & STEM professionals.
This program is designed to ignite student interest in STEM while building teamwork, leadership, and communication skills.
We would love your support! We have a need for volunteers at the event in form of speakers, mentors, judges, and general volunteers. We can certainly provide you more information if you are interested.
Our goal is to be able to offer as many scholarships as possible to this program but the only way we can do this is through corporate sponsorship and donations. If you think your company would be willing to support as a sponsor, or directly sponsor a student to attend, we would appreciate you connecting us with them.
Additionally, we are hoping you will help to spread the word about this program to students in your area. Financial aid is available for those who are in need of assistance.
If you have any questions, please contact us at GoForLaunch@HigherOrbits.org
For full details and to register please visit www.GoForLaunch.space and select Go For Launch!
Thank you for helping to inspire the next generation of STEMists & Explorers!
Michelle Lucas - Founder/President
Higher Orbits - 501(c)(3) non-profit
Twitter - @spacechelle & @higherorbits