
  • Distinguished Lecture Thursdays - JPL's Todd Barber on Mars Curiosity and JPL Propulsion

    Join AIAA-SD for two exciting talks by distinguished guest lecturer and JPL's lead propulsion mission operations engineer Todd Barber.  He will discuss sending the Mars Curiosity Rover and the 'seven minutes of terror' this Thursday 4/15 and the past, present, and future of propulsion at JPL next Thursday 4/22.  
    This event is inspiring and timely as perseverance begins roaming the Mars surface and ingenuity is about to attempt powered flight from Mars!
    More information is below and attached.

    Both events are virtual and free to attend!

    "Red Rover, Red Rover: Send Curiosity Right Over"
    Thursday, April 15th, 2021
    6:00pm - 7:30pm  
    Info at: AIAA UCSD
    "Putting the 'P' in 'JPL' The Past, Present, and Future of Propulsion at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory"
    Thursday, April 22th, 2021
    6:00pm - 7:30pm  

    RSVP at: and you'll receive the zoom
    link prior to the event.

    AIAA-SD Communications