
  • Section Elections/Nominations

    ​Tennessee AIAA Members,

    April is the month when the Section holds elections for 2020/2021 Section officers and committee members.  Nominations are being sought between today and April 15th.  Elections will occur shortly after.  Nominations are being sought for officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer), directors, and councilmembers.  Descriptions of each of these positions follow.  All positions will serve from May 1, 2020 - April 30, 2021.

    Send nominations to  No self-nominations are permitted.  All nominees must be AIAA members or become AIAA members before the election.  Remember that the section can do a lot more if all slots are filled, meaning more benefits and activities for its members.  Please seriously consider who would be good candidates for the positions listed and make nominations or ask a colleague to nominate you for a position. Time commitments are very minor, requiring only an hour or two each month during the year.

    Chair:  Leads the section, conducts council meetings
    Vice-Chair: Aids the Chair, serves in Chair role as needed
    Secretary: Provides communications to the Section, leads Section elections
    Treasurer: Maintains the Section accounts, provides a yearly audit report and budget

    Councilmember:  Attends monthly council meetings, provides guidance, aids in section events as needed

    -Honors and Awards Director: Solicit nominations for the Section awards, organize a review committee to select award winners, and arrange the annual awards event usually conducted in May.

    -Pre-College Outreach Director: Arrange events for the middle and high school students in our Section’s area to promote aerospace and provide information on aerospace, college, and careers.

    -Membership Director: Advertise the Section to new residents of our area, promote membership among employers in our area, assist members with membership advancement, and contact members whose membership is soon to expire.

    -Webmaster/Newsletter Editor: Manage the Section’s web and social media accounts, post events and news as necessary, write and distribute a newsletter, and send emails to the membership.

    -Young Professional and Career Enhancement: Contact the young professional members in the Section, provide them with information about events and volunteer opportunities, connect them with mentors if desired, and arrange a young professional social event and career enhancement events.

    -Liaison to Student Branches: Maintain relations with the student branches in our Section, interface between the Council and the student branches, assist student branches with events and anything else as needed, and help universities form new student branches.

    -Council Member for Congressional Visit Days: Represent the Section to the elected officials and their staffs during the CVD, lead a student member from the Section in the CVD activities, and report CVD news to the Council.