How to Engage

Posting to Get Responses 

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Thank you!
17 Nov, 2021 13:36

We never want to see a post receive no replies. Here are a few things you can do when writing your posts to encourage replies so you can get the input you're looking for!

    1.  Upload a profile picture: Contributors with a profile picture consistently get more responses.

    2.  Add a greeting: A polite "Hello everyone" or a similar simple greeting helps make posts much friendlier.

    3. Make it personal: Don't just ask a question. Instead, share your reason for asking the question. People are more likely to respond when they have this context.

    4. Explain what you know or don't know: If you explain what you've already tried or know, others won't spend time suggesting it to you. It helps others get right to your point.

    5. Promote peer interaction: Ask politely for replies about what others think or what their experiences with the topic have been. Even a polite "Does anyone have any advice on how to solve this problem?" can help get more responses.

    6. Be responsive: Check back to see if those who have responded have asked follow-up questions, and make sure to thank them for being helpful!


  1. OK post Better post
    How can I get a better job in aerospace? Hello AIAA, I have an Aerospace Engineering degree but am having trouble finding a job in the fields that interest me. I was thinking about pursuing a PhD to become a better prospect, but I'm not sure that is the best plan. Does anyone have advice?
    How do you deal with XYZ? Hi everyone, I've recently run into an issue with XYZ, and I'm wondering if you have any ideas on how to work through this problem. So far I've tried LMN and EFG, but no luck. Do you think it's tied to the ABC? Any suggestions you can provide would be helpful. Thanks in advance!
    What do you think about [topic]?
    Hello all, I am part of a team looking into [topic] as a possible R&D initiative and I’m wondering if you have gone through anything like this. I'd really appreciate hearing from others who are thinking of doing or have done something in this area.


    Want to post about an event? If it's an AIAA-related, AIAA-sponsored, or AIAA co-sponsored event, we're happy for you to share it. Unsure if your event should be posted? Please message the community manager at to assist you. 

    Here's some things to consider when making your event post:

    1. Has it been posted about by anyone else? We would like to only have one post per event if possible, so that people don't feel overwhelmed with the same information over and over.
    2. Have you posted about another event recently? We ask that any individual post no more than one event per month.
    3. Can you make it more interactive? We love it when you add a discussion element about the event topics. That way, even people who aren't going to the event can still respond to the post. Plus, this helps keep your post fresh and popular!

    Here's an example of a great event post:

    Subject: The future of UAVs, plus an event in Las Vegas

    Hi there everyone,

    Obviously, there's a lot of discussion going on about UAVs, as well as the complications that arise as unmanned aerial vehicles become more common, from possible cyber-attacks to privacy concerns and everything in between. This conversation has an impact on many areas in our daily lives, both now and in the future.

    If you're interested in contributing to the dialogue around the future of drones, there is an two-day forum coming up in Las Vegas that will cover a breadth and depth of topics related to advances in UAVs. The event is on October 24th and 25th, and it's a great opportunity to not only learn and discuss some interesting aerospace engineering topics but also network with colleagues in the industry. Here's a link with more information and how to register.Let us know if you're going, and please share what you learned afterward! And, if you're not able to make it to Las Vegas this October, we'd still love your input on this burgeoning area—please share your comments and questions on the future of UAVs below.

    We hope to see some of you there!


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