
Darren McKnight

Tech Director,

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Good question – the answer is not simple. First, neither system exists operationally though ADR systems are getting very close. The first criteria for use would be if a system (i.e., ADR vs JCA) actually exists to use. When there is only one, the debate is purely academic. After that clearly, ...
Ruth, THANKS! No restrictions other than they are really more engineering notes than a polished paper... so easier for others to mark up and improve!!! Have a great 4 th ! Darren
Ruth et al, Happy 4 th – here is a little reading for the long weekend. Mark Skinner (Aerospace Corp and IAASS) asked me to put something together about "my definition" of STM since we really cannot solve this problem unless we are all talking about the same "thing." Darren Dr. Darren McKnight ...