
The Current AIAA Saint Louis Section Awards Include:

  • Civic Service Award: In recognition of an outstanding contribution to the progress of aerospace activities in the St. Louis area.
  • Faculty Award: In recognition of a faculty member who has provided outstanding support to an AIAA student branch and individual student members at his/her university, or provided outstanding education to his/her students in the aerospace sciences through innovative curriculum or instructional methods.
  • Lindbergh Award: In recognition of a distinguished contribution in applying aerospace technology to improving the quality of human life.
  • Section Service Award: In recognition of an outstanding contribution to the section’s activities by an AIAA section member.
  • Technical Accomplishment Award: In recognition of outstanding technical research or technical accomplishment in aerospace sciences by an individual or team.
  • Young Professional Award: In recognition of outstanding technical accomplishments of young engineers and scientists in the aerospace disciplines.

Links to the historical record of award recipients for each award can be accessed by clicking on the name of the award listed above. 

The Technical Contribution Award and the Technical Research Award were combined into a single Technical Accomplishment Award in 2020.  The Special Achievement Award is not currently active.