
Dr Stephen Cain PE

Air Force Institute of Technology

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Air Force Institute of Technology

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Posted By Stephen Cain 21 Jun, 2023 05:10
Found In Egroup: Sensor Systems and Information Fusion: Public Forum
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Reviews are to be complete by June 22.  I expect the review function to close to everyone by the beginning of June 23 Here is the good news, All papers have been assigned 3 reviewers , thanks to those who volunteered to review extra papers beyond the 1 I initially assigned to the first all ...
Posted By Stephen Cain 22 May, 2023 13:48
Found In Egroup: Sensor Systems and Information Fusion: Public Forum
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Just a friendly reminder that the published deadline for papers for AIAA Scitech 2024 is coming up at the end of this week. I found out some info about deadlines at the last conference committee meeting, 1.  Extensions are doable and pretty much the same as last year BUT the timeframe has been advanced ...